Free Registration for WeCom?

First, registering WeCom is indeed free. If you are a company, you can successfully register with just the basic information of your company.

Regarding the certification fee for the WeCom, here are the key points in a clear and concise manner:

  1. Certification Audit Service Fee:
    • The certification audit of WeCom is entrusted to a third-party audit company, which is primarily used to verify the authenticity of the information submitted by the enterprise.
    • The WeCom certification audit fee is RMB 700 per time (approximately USD 99).
  2. Payment Methods:
    • Currently supported payment methods include WeChat Pay, online banking, transfer, and remittance.
  3. Refund Policy:
    • It does not explicitly mention the refund policy for WeCom certification fees, but usually, the audit fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether the certification is successful or not.
  4. Other Considerations:
    • The certification process and requirements for WeCom may differ from the domestic version of Enterprise WeChat. It is recommended to refer to the official certification guidelines of WeCom for specific details.
    • Before applying for certification, please ensure that you have read and understood the certification policies, requirements, and procedures of WeCom to ensure that the submitted information is complete, true, and accurate.
Any registration issues, feel free to contact us!